On December 9, 2017, the Delhi government had launched a scheme to provide SC/ST students with free coaching to crack various competitive exams required for entry into engineering, medical and other colleges in India. Within just one year, over 4000 students have enrolled in the scheme.
“Over 4000 students have enrolled for the coaching facilities for various courses so far out of the targeted 5000 students in a year,” said a government statement.
More about the Delhi govt scheme for free entrance exam coaching
- The ‘Jai Bhim Mukhyamantri Pratibha Vikas Yojana’, launched by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on December 9, 2017
- The scheme provides free coaching for students preparing for civil services, judicial services, banking, engineering, medicine, and other competitive examinations through known and established coaching institutions
- It was decided then that initially, 100 students will get the benefit from the scheme and it would extend to 5,000 students
- The coaching assistance would also depend on the family income. If a student’s family income is less than Rs 2 lakh then he/she will get 100 per cent assistance, but if the family income is between Rs 2 and Rs 6 lakh, he/she will get 75 per cent assistance
- Apart from coaching, students also get a stipend of Rs 2,500 per month
What was discussed at the recent meeting about this scheme?
- At the recent meeting, the free entrance exam coaching scheme was reviewed by Delhi Social Welfare Minister Rajendra Pal Gautam along with other officials
- The minister, who is also the chairperson of the Delhi Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Other Backward Class (OBC), Minority and Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation Ltd, discussed ways to reach out to more students
- The meeting discussed proposals for roping in premier coaching institutes for better results, and extending the coaching fee cap to up to Rs 1.5 lakh
- At present, the sealing of the coaching fee is up to Rs 40,000, while the eligible students are also provided a stipend of Rs 2500 per month, it said
- Formation of a monitoring committee to look after the quality of the coaching and other issueswas also discussed in the meeting
Source: IndiaToday