Omni Channel Cloud Communications Service Provider, RouteMobile, has received market regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India’s nod to raise an estimated Rs 600 crore through the Initial Public Offering (IPO) route. The company had initially filed for its IPO in January 2018, it refiled its document on 3 October 2019. The Company was issued […]
The 7th International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE) 2020 will be hosted by Anurag Group of Educations (AGI), in Hyderabad at it’s campus at Venkatpur, in association with Indo Universal Collaboration for Engineering Education (IUCEE) between the 5th and 8th of January 2020. The Seventh International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE’ […]
Breathing is the most basic essentiality that we need to be alive but at times due to outside sources or internal reasons even that can become a struggle. One such situation arises in the case of thunderstorm asthma which is a weather-based condition that can turn wind and pollen into a dangerous combination. A person […]
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is dreaded by many as it happens to be the top killer worldwide among several age groups, especially among the middle-aged adults for quite a couple of years now. Not just that, it is held responsible for causing 40% of all deaths across the world, reveals a recent report published in the […]
The Twenties During the 20’s a major transition from teenage to adulthood takes place with a change in lifestyle and an increased focus on career, travel, socializing, marriage etc. Discovering this new world may keep one busy and forget about health and nutrition due to the time crunch. What to eat, How much to eat […]
Headache is a prevalent clinical ailment that is prevalent in all age groups. Even children and teenagers are not spared from its affliction. Researches have shown that approximately 75% of children of school-going age may experience a headache occasionally, and among them, 10% suffer from regular and chronic conditions. Headaches can be classified into two […]
While common cold and cough among children develop due to cold weather conditions, whether it’s the onset of monsoon or winter, the close proximity of children to each other in these conditions also contributes to the spread of the ailment. Recurrent colds and coughs are one of the most commonly seen ailments in the younger […]
Sankara Eye Hospital in collaboration with Titan has launched Mobile Rural Vision Screening Program to provide a comprehensive mobile eye care for the general public of rural and urban areas of Karnataka. The Mobile Rural Vision Screening bus was inaugurated by Dr. Kaushik, Sankara Eye Hospital and C.K Venkataraman, Managing Director, Titan. Covering rural and […]
A newborn baby is often compared to a clay mold that is to be shaped and nurtured like a plant that enters this unknown world blank. While the process of parenting an infant is beautiful and important, it is also very fragile and needs devoted attention more so because a baby cannot even communicate clearly […]
As winter is here, we should take extra care of our skin before it gets us more trouble. It’s the greatest challenge to safeguard our skin from the winter damages. Once the skin vouches on dry and itchiness it takes a long haul. The drier the air, the drier the skin. People using heaters at […]