Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha has announced plans to address the significant gap in the teacher-student ratio in the state’s schools. Speaking at a program in Gomati district, Saha emphasized the state government’s commitment to ensuring quality education for all students1.
The current teacher-student ratio in Tripura has been a cause for concern, with many schools lacking sufficient teaching staff. This shortage has been exacerbated by the absence of headmasters in several schools1. Saha highlighted that the government is actively working to overcome this shortage by collaborating with the education and finance departments.
In addition to addressing the teacher-student ratio, the government has introduced the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 to improve the quality of education. The NEP aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to compete at both state and national levels1. The state has also shifted from the West Bengal Board syllabus to the NCERT syllabus, providing students with a more competitive edge.
To further support education, the government has distributed 1.30 lakh bicycles to female students studying in class IX, ensuring they can attend school more easily. The state also boasts six private universities and two government-run universities, attracting students from outside the state1.
The government’s efforts to bridge the teacher-student gap and enhance the quality of education are expected to have a positive impact on the state’s educational landscape.