Narayan Seva Sansthan – a charitable organization that runs charitable hospitals in the country for Specially-abled, in particular polio and by-birth disabled, hosted artificial limb distribution camp in Surat along with the Rotary Club of Surat on Saturday and Sunday. Amid the lockdown, while maintaining social distancing and wearing mask, around 100 were benefited by acquiring prostheses for better mobility.
Prior to the lockdown, in February this year, Narayan Seva Sansthan conducted the measurement in Surat. The senior prosthetics and orthotics specialist team took measurements during a delivery camp where people affected by polio were inspected, as well as those who lost their legs / hands due to diabetes, accidents etc., were measured for prostheses.
Prashant Agarwal, President, Narayan Seva Sansthan said, “Amid New Normal, we are planning ‘measurement and distribution camps’ across India so that each of the underprivileged can be helped to enable them. We are glad to see, during covid-19, the donors are coming upfront to help and donate the underprivileged and differently abled. Yet more support from donors is needed to bring the isolated and differently abled into mainstream society.”
In the 34-year service journey of Narayan Seva Sansthan, 418750 differently abled persons were successfully operated and 263000 three wheelers, 270000 wheelchairs, 290000 crutches, 351000 callipers were distributed among the needy.