The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has released the admit cards for the Class 10 (Matric) final examinations. The admit cards were made available on January 8, 2025, for download by school authorities through the official BSEB website:
Procedure for Obtaining Admit Cards
School principals can log in using their user ID and password to download the admit cards. It is important to note that students cannot download their individual admit cards online. Instead, they must contact their school principals to collect their signed and stamped admit cards.
Details on Admit Card
The admit card contains essential information required for the examinations, such as the student’s name, roll number, exam center, and schedule. Students must carry their admit cards along with a valid school ID to the examination center, as entry will not be allowed without these documents.
Examination Schedule
The Bihar Board Class 10 exams are scheduled to be held from February 17 to February 25, 2025. These exams will be conducted in two shifts:
- Morning Shift: From 9:30 AM to 12:45 PM
- Afternoon Shift: From 2:00 PM to 5:15 PM
Students will have fifteen minutes of cool-off time at the beginning of each shift.
Release of Results
The results of the Bihar Board Matric examinations are expected to be announced in March or April 2025, although the exact dates will be confirmed later.
Important Reminders
Students are strongly advised to verify the details on their admit cards and immediately report any discrepancies to their schools. The admit card must be presented for both the practical exams and the theory exams. It is crucial to follow the instructions given on the admit card, including reporting time, dress code, and items not allowed in the exam hall.