Admissions open for Ben-Gurion University’s M.D. Program in Global Health

Admissions open for Ben-Gurion University’s M.D. Program in Global Health

April 16, 2022: Admissions are now open for the M.D. Program with Global Health focus at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU), Israel.

The program is led by the Medical School for International Health (MSIH) at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) and offers a challenging four-year program that prepares you to practice medicine around the world- across cultural, geographic and technological boundaries.

With an aim to prioritizes community and global health, MSIH students are molded into highly trained physicians who understand how to work at the intersection of global health, and community and preventive medicine, whether locally or internationally. MSIH students understand health issues and not just treat the patients, but also address the underlying cause.

The program offers a capstone experience in which students spend eight weeks in a global health rotation. This takes place in diverse locations around the world, such as India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Peru, Ghana, Western Canada and Ethiopia. Insofar as possible, MSIH students are integrated into training programs with local medical students.

Program delivery:

The MD program is a four year program taught completely in English.

Additionally, Hebrew is taught in the first two years of the program as well. This includes basic Hebrew, with a focus on medical terminology in Hebrew and interactive experiences such as interviewing patients and performing physical exams in Hebrew.

Admission Cycle:

Applications are now being accepted for the class entering summer 2022.

Course dates:  

The Fall Semester will begin August 1st 2022.

Application deadlineRolling admission.

Tuition:  Tuition for your MSIH M.D. Program is $39,500 per year and is paid in installments at the beginning of each semester. Books and equipment, health insurance, and travel-related costs are an additional $7,000 per year on average.

Eligibility Requirements:

As the first and only medical school in the world to incorporate global health components into all four years of the core curriculum, the university also give merit to applicants who exhibit a strong interest in global medicine, public health, and working with diverse and underserved populations and cultures.

Admission requirements include:

·       Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.

·       Completion of high school or university degree outside of Israel.

·       Completion of the following coursework:*

(1)   One year of biology.

(2)   One year of physics (or one semester of physics and one semester of math, preferably calculus or statistics).

(3)   Two years of chemistry (with labs), including one year of organic chemistry or biochemistry.

·       Fluency in English

Scholarship:   Available for excellent students.

How to Apply:

Please visit the following link:


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