Karnataka School Education Minister BC Nagesh Thursday launched a portal for School Education, Literacy and Sakala Minister that provides a collaborative view and insight into the education department’s performance and progress.
With the help of this web portal, one can access multiple departmental IT systems, which are used by different wings/ divisions of the department. The portal also collates relevant information/data from multiple IT systems presently used in the department.
“The portal aims to make the education department more transparent. Teachers, students, and common citizens can also address the grievances related to the education department and flag issues that sometimes don’t reach up to the ministry level,” Nagesh said during the launch of the event
Some of the salient features highlighted in the web portal include a dashboard page, which provides information and brief details on the number of schools, number of teachers, day wise consolidated online attendance of the students in the state, mid-day meals consumed on a daily basis and the beneficiaries of free text book scheme among others.
source : indianexpress